The silver sea bream is the common name for several species of fish: Rhabdosargus sarba (sea bream), sea bream of the Western Indo-Pacific. Bidyanus bidyanus is a species of bird in the Bidyanidae family. The Asian distribution is found in the Caspian and Aral Sea basins as well as in the catchment areas of the Anatolian Black Sea. The small silver sea bream are very similar in general appearance to the common sea bream or unripe bronze Abramis brama, but can be distinguished by their larger scales. The eye of a silvery bream is very large in relation to its head, and this feature also distinguishes it from the bronze sea bream, as well as from all other European cyprinids except the dark one. The eye is round and protruding, with a yellowish cornea and a black iris. In the Queensland portion of the eastern Australian stock, commercial catches and nominal catch rates of yellowfin seabream are being recovered following a change in the minimum legal size (2 cm more) and an increase in fisheries protected areas in Moreton Bay Marine Park in 2009. Catches and nominal catches were 107 tonnes (t) at 28 kg/day in 2010 and 153 tonnes at 44 kg/day in 20137. The length structures resulting from the monitoring of the fishery-finned sea bream from 2007 onwards reflect this trend of catch recovery. Fishery-dependent age structures indicate a stable population with variable and continuous recruitment7.

The above evidence suggests that the biomass of the Queensland portion of the biological stock is unlikely to be overexploited. Yellowfin seabream is found throughout the western Indo-Pacific and in Australia between northern Queensland and Victoria. Unlike black sea bream, yellowfin seabream is caught in waves and around headlands and coastal islands as well as estuaries. When aligning, focus on open sand areas as well as structural areas such as fallen trees (hooks), rock poles, pylons, oyster rentals, broken walls, and boat launches. Gray, CA, Johnson, DD, Young, J & Broadhurst, MK 2004, Discards from the commercial maillet fishery for Dusky Flathead, Platycephalus fuscus, in New South Wales, Australia: spatial variability and initial effects of change in minimum legal length of target species, Fisheries Management and Ecology, 11: 323–333. Maybe it`s because fish have a thick layer of mucus (“bream drool” in anglers` parlance) or maybe because sea bream isn`t the most athletic swimmer, but whatever the reason why bream, especially when young, is attractive to parasites! Bream is a popular fish that is served WHOLE (baked, grilled, steamed or fried, often with Asian flavors) because they are the size of a plate and tender sweet meat retains its moisture when cooked on the bone. They are well suited for simple frying or gentle cooking methods such as steaming and poaching. The yellowfin sea bream is often confused with the black sea bream. The yellowfin sea bream has yellow pectorals, ventrals and fins and are usually more silvery. Unlike the black sea bream, the yellowfin seabream is not limited to estuarine environments. Nominal fishing effort in the commercial fishery in Queensland in 2013 (3499 fishing days) was much lower than in previous years (average of 3944 fishing days from 2009 to 2012), resulting in an improvement in the commercial catch rate7. The number of recreational anglers in the southern part of the state, where the yellowfin seabream is most common, decreased between 2001 and 2010.

This, combined with the introduction of ownership restrictions, should have reduced the targeted fishing effort for recreational fishers.7 The current legal minimum size (25 cm total length) for yellowfin seabream in Queensland applies to commercial and recreational fishermen and allows some adult fish to spawn for one or even several years before being available for fishing. Estimates of all-cause mortality of Yellowfin Sea bream in Queensland decreased between 2007 and 2010 and have remained constant since then (reflecting changes in minimum legal size and property line7). Estimates suggest that fishing mortality (F) was lower than natural mortality (M) between 2007 and 2013. Yellowfin seabream has a moderate survival rate (lower for intestinal hooks) when released by recreational fishers, reducing the impact on this part of the stock8-11. The above evidence suggests that current fishing pressures are unlikely to lead to overfishing of the Queensland portion of the biological stock. In New South Wales, the estuarine seine fishery can result in large amounts of bycatch of undersized organisms and undesirable species, but the use of appropriately sized mesh sizes can reduce mortality of these species.19-21 approx. 22.5 cm There is a legal minimum length of 25 cm • Total length (approx. 22.5 cm FL) for yellowfin and black seabream and a combined leisure bag limit of 20 for all bream and tarwhine. The annual recreational harvest of yellowfin seabream in New South Wales is likely to be between 8 25 cm 10 Property Line: The maximum number of fish a person is allowed to possess at any one time. Finfish bags and size restrictions. Yellowfin seabream can be targeted from shore or by boat and can be found around the structure or on open sandy areas and beaches.

They are aggressive predators that willingly accept bait or bait. Direct them around headlands or into the waves with natural baits such as beach worms, pee or shrimp. Similarly, baits work well in the snout, but targeting with bait or flies is more difficult. During the day they aim around the structure and at night they also try to fish in adjacent open areas such as sandy areas. Kemp, J, Bruce, T, Conron, S, Bridge, N, MacDonald, M & Brown, L 2013, Gippsland Lakes (non‐bream) Fisheries Assessment 2011, Fisheries Victoria, Melbourne. In bronze bream, the ratio of eye size to head length changes significantly over the course of the fish`s life and initially resembles the ratios of silver sea bream, but in adult fish, head length can be six to seven times the width of the eye and head depth four to five times. Total annual catches of sea bream by recreational fishers in Victoria have not been estimated. Recreational fishing effort is managed in accordance with the regulations for bream (all species), using a legal minimum size (28 cm) and a catch/possession limit (maximum 10 fish). The fish must be landed whole or in the carcass. Fewer than five commercial fishers had access to the fishery in 2013. The above data suggest that current fishing pressures are unlikely to lead to overfishing of the Victorian part of the biological stock.

Gray, C, Larsen, R & Kennelly, pp. 2000, Use of transparent netting to improve size selectivity and reduce bycatch in fish wadennetzs, Fisheries Research, 45: 155-166. The maximum weight of a sea bream varies depending on the quality of the habitat, but can reach 1.6 kilograms (3.5 pounds) under optimal conditions. Nevertheless, most bream never exceed 0.45 kilograms (1 pound) under normal conditions, and not even 0.3 kilograms in small ponds. The shape of the body in men and women is subtly different. A In Queensland, Queensland Aboriginal fishers may use traditional and non-commercial fishing gear required by the Fisheries Act 1994 (Qld) in waters open to fishing. Size and ownership restrictions and seasonal closures do not apply to Indigenous fishers. Other exemptions from fishing regulations may be requested through licences.b In New South Wales, Aboriginal fishers can use both traditional and non-commercial gear to use twice the recreational catch limit. Further derogations from the fishing rules may be obtained by means of authorisations. c In Victoria, recreational fisheries management regulations also apply to fishing activities of indigenous peoples. Recognized traditional owners (groups that hold Aboriginal title or have agreements under the Victorian Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010) are exempt (subject to conditions) from the requirement to hold a recreational fishing licence and may apply for licences under the Fisheries Act 1995 that allow normal fishing (for example, .